Published onNovember 1, 2022Software Diagrams - Plant UML vs MermaidplantumlmermaidarchitectureIntroduction to PlantUML and Mermaid. We look at how to set these up and compare the differences for all major diagram types.
Published onSeptember 27, 2022Introduction to PowerShell ScriptingpowershellReference article covering: installation and setup, variables, parameters, inputs/outputs, arrays, hashtables, flow control, loops, functions, debugging, error handling, filtering, sorting, projecting, formatting, and the help system.
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Published onJune 30, 2021Bicep - Part 2: Advanced Concepts and FeaturesbicepazuredevopsDeep dive into Bicep templates including expressions, template logic, and ARM template decompilation, modules and best practices.
Published onJune 18, 2021Bicep - Part 1: Introduction to Automating Azure Resource CreationbicepazuredevopsAutomate Creating Azure Resources with Bicep.